Thank you!
Thank you for scheduling your service appointment with Overhead Door Company of Albuquerque™. Your service call is now in our system. You will receive a confirmation of the appointment shortly.
Maintaining the health and safety of our customers, employees and our community is our highest priority. During these extraordinary times we are taking the following measures to complete your service in a safe and secure manner:
- Actively monitoring our employees for symptoms and recent travel;
- Using all necessary protective equipment including masks, gloves, safety glasses, shoe covers (where applicable), and hand sanitizer during our visit; and
- Completing the visit with a “No-Contact” process by emailing any receipts or proposals.
- Learn more here
Thank you for scheduling your service with Overhead Door Company of Albuquerque™.
If you have any questions or changes, please contact us at [email protected] or at 505-344-3667